In the video U.S. Economy and Financial System Bankrupt --What's next?, submitted by singletreefilms, it talked about how we are bankrupt, because we spend to much money everyday, and our competing countries are paying their workers 75% to 95% less money for the same work that they do. In simpler terms, that’s called cheap overproduction. To fix this problem, we tried moving some of our biggest money making facilities to different parts of the world. For example, last year we moved a Chrysler dealership to Mexico. Yet the economic results weren’t too high still. So we took the factory apart and moved it to China. We made some money. The point of this is, is that if we started globalizing more businesses; we might start making some money to get rid of our debt. I think that this affects my life because, even know we don’t think about it, but our country is in some serious debt, and when we start voting against raising or lowering taxes, we need to stop to think about what’s best for the country. We didn’t get where we are today because of one person, we got here because we are a nation of people, and we decided what was best for everyone, and not one person/ourselves in particular.
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