Wednesday, December 3, 2008

PLN 12: Depression

In the news article I read about the Depression and Working Moms, these people did a survey on, obviously working moms, but how the economy, and where they are financially really effect their stress levels. The article said 91% of working moms, have felt symtoms of depression. That’s incredible, moms already are stressed out because they have to work to make money, and they have to watch their kids, or wonder where they are all the time, pick them up from school, etc. I think that this could, or in the past, already has affected my life, because my mom has a huge impact in my life, and when shes depressed she takes it out on us, because she needs to let go of things, I believe that’s called regression, but I’m not a psychology whiz. But if my mom isn’t having a good day, as soon as I get home, I know exactly what kind of day she is having, and she hasn’t been too happy lately. So I can relate this article to my life because I think that my mom has/is being impacted by the economy, and again financially, and I think that’s its affecting her emotions, and the way she acts towards her everyday life.

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